Multifandom fanfiction recommendations

Innovative and stylish fanfiction, showcasing the very best across multiple sf, fantasy & literature fandoms. Good writing in all its forms can be found here, including gen, het, slash, OCs, AUs, crossovers, future fics, humour & pastiche. Linked stories may not be suitable for children

JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings


Emblematic by Cruise Director

Piercing observations in this account of a day in the life of the Fellowship

[Added 28/01/2004; Character Piece; <1000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Aragorn]

Hope for the Uruk by Grond

This thoughtful and unusual story explores whether the Uruk-hai might have the potential for redemption. It's a little rough around the edges in places, but nonetheless well worth trying

[Added 16/12/2003; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Aragorn, Shagrat, Faramir, Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Legolas; Adult]

In the Hands of the Enemy by Meckinock

Set around Bree before the events of LotR, this rollicking adventure never takes itself too seriously. Believable characterisations, with some well-drawn original characters that won't have anyone calling in the Mary-Sue Exterminators

[Added 16/12/2003; Drama; >50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Aragorn, Gandalf, Halbarad, OCs]

Magda's Tale by Meg Thornton

Multi-cultural society in Bree through the eyes of a plausible and interesting OC (technically a WiP, but the chapters stand alone as a vignette series)

[Added 18/10/2002; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: OC, Aragorn, Barliman Butterbur, Bill Ferny, Halbarad, Bilbo Baggins, Minor]

Sára-lissë by Erin's Daughter

Arwen's reflections at two points in her life. Luscious sensuous writing characterises this nicely shaped piece

[Added 16/12/2003; Romance/Erotica; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Arwen, Aragorn, Legolas, Elrond]

The Still Point by Stultiloquentia

What does it mean to be mortal? Stultiloquentia's thoughtful take is well characterised and beautifully written, with a good balance between light & dark

[Added 15/07/2005; Romance/Erotica; 2500-6000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Arwen, Aragorn]

Where the Stars Are Strange by Marta

'She prays for a quick death. She prays for the beasts to come before nightfall, to rip at her throat so she will never feel the pangs of thirst.' Thoughtful drabble series exploring Haradric beliefs. There's also a prequel, Turtles All the Way Down, though I felt it was stronger alone

[Added 05/09/2012; Drama; <1000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Aragorn, OC]

Who Knackered Aragorn's Catamite? by Earthspot

Tolkien meets Raymond Chandler meets James Bond in this witty and inventive romp through Fourth Age Middle-earth. WKAC features a large cast of engaging original characters, plus delightful cameos from many of the major players. The author assures us that no canon was injured in the production of this fanfiction

[Added 09/09/2003; Drama; >50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Eowyn, Faramir, Goldberry, Gimli, Legolas, Bergil, Grishnakh, OCs; Adult]


Sára-lissë by Erin's Daughter

Arwen's reflections at two points in her life. Luscious sensuous writing characterises this nicely shaped piece

[Added 16/12/2003; Romance/Erotica; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Arwen, Aragorn, Legolas, Elrond]

The Still Point by Stultiloquentia

What does it mean to be mortal? Stultiloquentia's thoughtful take is well characterised and beautifully written, with a good balance between light & dark

[Added 15/07/2005; Romance/Erotica; 2500-6000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Arwen, Aragorn]

Thread of Fate by Forodwaith

In the best tradition of fanfiction, Forodwaith takes a few meagre sentences from canon and unpacks them to cast fresh light on the enigma that is Arwen -- her strengths, her loves, and her sacrifices. Magical

[Added 09/09/2003; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Arwen, Galadriel, Halbarad]

Who Knackered Aragorn's Catamite? by Earthspot

Tolkien meets Raymond Chandler meets James Bond in this witty and inventive romp through Fourth Age Middle-earth. WKAC features a large cast of engaging original characters, plus delightful cameos from many of the major players. The author assures us that no canon was injured in the production of this fanfiction

[Added 09/09/2003; Drama; >50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Eowyn, Faramir, Goldberry, Gimli, Legolas, Bergil, Grishnakh, OCs; Adult]

Bilbo Baggins

Legacy by Anglachel

Shire society brought to life: prejudice, intrafamilial politics and all. This thoughtful story is one of the very few to treat hobbits as the complex and not entirely benign adults that Tolkien wrote. If you enjoyed 'Legacy', the author has completed a novel-length sequel, On Merry Yule

[Added 18/10/2002; Drama; >50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Minor; Adult]

Lost in the Translation by Tyellas

Ever thought there was something missing from Tolkien's account of Middle-earth? Tyellas explains why in this humorous vignette

[Added 18/10/2002; Humour; <1000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins]


Box of Rain by Alon

Faramir finishes some business for his brother. Delicate and believable characterisations, both of those present and those absent. Sequel to Closer to Fine and To Look at You, but works equally well read independently

[Added 09/09/2003; Romance/Erotica; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Faramir, OC, Boromir]

Breathe & Peace Like a River by Fileg

Three loosely linked, bittersweet vignettes reflect on two brothers and the river that joins and divides them. Stylish writing and subtle characterisations

[Added 09/09/2003; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Boromir, Faramir]

Discretion, Discovery by Isabeau of Greenlea

All Isabeau's works showcase her great gift for detail, dialogue and characterisation; 'Discretion' & 'Discovery' also feature hot sex and an unusual & deftly drawn OC. The saga of Boromir's love life continues in the 'Best-loved Son' series by Isabeau, Dwimordene & Altariel, while Andrahar's background is more fully expored in Isabeau's unfinished 'Kin-strife'; both can be accessed via the author's website

[Added 24/06/2004; Romance/Erotica; 20,000-50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Boromir, OC, Faramir, Imrahil, Denethor; Adult]

Father and Sons by Dwimordene

Division and despair among the Steward's family, as the Shadow over Gondor grows deeper. A thoughtful novel, with precisely observed characters and rich details of Minas Tirith life. That Which Remains Us forms a moving short sequel, inspired by a challenge to write Denethor's poetry

[Added 18/10/2002; Drama; >50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Boromir, Faramir, Denethor, Imrahil]

Not From Mountain Nor From Sea by Gil Shalos

A subtle look at different aspects of Boromir's character in this skilfully written piece

[Added 09/09/2003; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Boromir, Faramir, Aragorn, Meriadoc Brandybuck, OC]


Magnetic Force by Marnie

A reporter on the Fortean Times finds more than she expects when she travels to Cornwall on an investigation. Before I read this story, I didn't believe this premise could ever be made to work, but I'm very glad to have been proved wrong!

[Added 16/12/2003; Drama; 2500-6000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Celeborn, Elladan, Elrohir, OC]

Rose Riddle by Stultiloquentia

A multilayered vignette with almost the density of poetry, set in the Fourth Age but with its roots in history. Repays re-reading

[Added 16/12/2003; Drama; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Celeborn, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Minor]

A Silence Covered in Stone by Zimraphel

Dol Guldur gives up its darkest secret. An idea to send chills down the spine

[Added 16/12/2003; Drama; 2500-6000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Celeborn, Thranduil, Minor]


The Burial of the Dead by Altariel

Bleak, beautifully-written picture of Denethor's descent into madness, mingling present and past, and steeped in the imagery of TS Eliot

[Added 18/10/2002; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Denethor, Faramir, Boromir]

Father and Sons by Dwimordene

Division and despair among the Steward's family, as the Shadow over Gondor grows deeper. A thoughtful novel, with precisely observed characters and rich details of Minas Tirith life. That Which Remains Us forms a moving short sequel, inspired by a challenge to write Denethor's poetry

[Added 18/10/2002; Drama; >50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Boromir, Faramir, Denethor, Imrahil]

The King is Dead by Altariel

Denethor teaches his younger son to play chess. A well-characterised and beautifully written vignette that made me smile. Illustrated by Kasiopea

[Added 09/09/2003; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Denethor, Faramir]

The Sickle of the Valar by Altariel

Wordsmithing at its best marks this vignette on the burden of grief and the possibility for renewal. Written for the Stargazers challenge

[Added 16/12/2003; Character Piece; <1000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Denethor, Faramir, Adrahil]

Spirits of the House by Altariel

'A Christmas Carol' has probably spawned more fanfic than any other Victorian novel, but this ingenious story is my favourite version so far

[Added 06/07/2004; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Denethor, Faramir, Boromir, Gandalf, Peregrin Took, Adrahil, Finduilas, Minor; Crossover]


The Hour of Splendor by HF

Elrond reflects on the past as the Fellowship leaves Rivendell. A thoughtful and evocative take on this oft-written moment

[Added 16/12/2003; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Elrond]

One Dark Night by Enros

Sympathetic look at the nature of the Uruk-hai. An extremely unusual premise

[Added 18/10/2002; Romance/Erotica; 2500-6000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Elrond, Uglúk]

Sára-lissë by Erin's Daughter

Arwen's reflections at two points in her life. Luscious sensuous writing characterises this nicely shaped piece

[Added 16/12/2003; Romance/Erotica; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Arwen, Aragorn, Legolas, Elrond]


Alterations by Eledhwen

Eledhwen tackles the fascinating subject of the characters' adjustments to the different demands of post-War Middle-earth. The piece is elegantly structured as a sequence of interweaving conversations covering a single day in Minas Tirith

[Added 09/09/2003; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Faramir, Gandalf, Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Peregrin Took, Gimli, Legolas, Galadriel, Elrond, Celeborn, Imrahil, Elladan, Elrohir, Beregond, Ioreth]

The Face of the Enemy by Soledad

The very thoughtful & detailed evocation of the Haradric culture distinguishes this retelling of the Battle of Pelennor Fields. Cameo by Andrahar from Isabeau's Discretion & Discovery

[Added 25/06/2004; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Imrahil, Faramir, Gandalf, Théoden, Eowyn, Witch-King of Angmar, OCs]

If I Were Queen of the Forest by Halrloprillalar

'"But you are not in the Shire," Galadriel said. She smiled again and it was more dangerous than Sam's glare. "You would do well not to refuse my requests."' Halrloprillalar treads gaily (cough) through a whole raft of fanfic clichÉs in this delightful humorous short

[Added 20/02/2003; Humour; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Galadriel, Samwise Gamgee, Frodo Baggins, Boromir, Aragorn, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Peregrin Took, Legolas, Gimli]

Tempus Edax Rerum by Mirrordance

One of the more inventive premises I've ever seen in this fandom, thoughtfully executed, with a good mix of angst and humour. Give 'Tempus Edax Rerum' a try if you want something well off the beaten track and are prepared to put up with the occasional grammatical slip

[Added 26/06/2004; Drama; 20,000-50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Legolas, Elrond, Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli, Peregrin Took, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Boromir, Galadriel, OC]

Warm Beds are Good by Tyellas

I'll let this well constructed and very interesting essay sell itself: '"Sex" and "Tolkien" may seem like a contradiction in terms. It is often believed that Tolkien's works as a whole are sexless, boyish and innocent, based on the lack of sexual content in his novel The Lord of the Rings. This is not true. Sex and libido are present in Tolkien’s vision of Middle-Earth; indeed, it's inevitable in such a complete portrait of an imaginary world. Sex is marginalized in Lord of the Rings, is a destructive undercurrent in The Silmarillion, and is given rare, yet frank mentions in Tolkien’s extensive backstory of Middle-Earth. Passionate love, transgressive desire, denied sexual fulfilment, and rape are plot points in several stories. Libido and sexual love are even portrayed positively, when they take place within the proper moral bounds.'

[Added 18/10/2002; Essay; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Aldarion, Erendis, Elves]

Ents, other trees

How Quickbeam Got His Name by Teasel

Gorgeous drabble that answers the question of the title in a rather unexpected fashion

[Added 28/01/2004; Drama; <1000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Treebeard, Quickbeam]

Lomendánar (Little Love for the Things of My Love) by Vulgarweed

'He wore soft green moss, and small black snakes about his branches and darting silver fish between his toes. He bent his long locks to trail in the cool water, and all the spirits of the moist places were with him.' An unusual & thoughtful vignette, imbued with a strong sense of melancholy. Beautiful

[Added 20/05/2009; Romance/Erotica; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Skinbark, Yavanna, Goldberry, Tom Bombadil, Quickbeam]

Old Man Willow by Nath

'It reminded him of the treeless hills towards the sunrise, only much, much stronger.' An unusual, atmospheric take on the One Ring challenge, with a perfect chiller of an ending

[Added 05/09/2012; Drama; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Old Man Willow, Galadriel, Tom Bombadil, Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee]


Keepers of the Hearth by Alawa

A quiet piece that reclaims Middle-earth for the ordinary woman, and celebrates the things that the War of the Ring was fought to preserve

[Added 25/06/2004; Character Piece; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Eomer, Eowyn, Lothíriel, OC]


Gift Horses by Jedishampoo

An unsentimental look at Eowyn & Faramir's courtship, well written with an unexpected but plausible characterisation for Eowyn

[Added 24/06/2004; Romance/Erotica; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Eowyn, Faramir]

Keepers of the Hearth by Alawa

A quiet piece that reclaims Middle-earth for the ordinary woman, and celebrates the things that the War of the Ring was fought to preserve

[Added 25/06/2004; Character Piece; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Eomer, Eowyn, Lothíriel, OC]

Nor Iron Bars a Cage by FayJay

FayJay offers some surprising insights into the deep places of Gríma's heart in this well-written character study. As far as I'm aware, 'Nor Iron Bars a Cage' is the author's first foray into the Tolkien fandom, and one can only hope that she writes more!

[Added 28/01/2004; Character Piece; <1000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Gríma Wormtongue, Eowyn]

Shards of Time by AL Milton

Was Eowyn a heroine or deserter? This nicely structured story features interesting original characters, as Eowyn's grandson weighs the evidence

[Added 20/02/2003; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Eowyn, Faramir, OCs]

Who Knackered Aragorn's Catamite? by Earthspot

Tolkien meets Raymond Chandler meets James Bond in this witty and inventive romp through Fourth Age Middle-earth. WKAC features a large cast of engaging original characters, plus delightful cameos from many of the major players. The author assures us that no canon was injured in the production of this fanfiction

[Added 09/09/2003; Drama; >50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Eowyn, Faramir, Goldberry, Gimli, Legolas, Bergil, Grishnakh, OCs; Adult]


Box of Rain by Alon

Faramir finishes some business for his brother. Delicate and believable characterisations, both of those present and those absent. Sequel to Closer to Fine and To Look at You, but works equally well read independently

[Added 09/09/2003; Romance/Erotica; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Faramir, OC, Boromir]

Breathe & Peace Like a River by Fileg

Three loosely linked, bittersweet vignettes reflect on two brothers and the river that joins and divides them. Stylish writing and subtle characterisations

[Added 09/09/2003; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Boromir, Faramir]

Father and Sons by Dwimordene

Division and despair among the Steward's family, as the Shadow over Gondor grows deeper. A thoughtful novel, with precisely observed characters and rich details of Minas Tirith life. That Which Remains Us forms a moving short sequel, inspired by a challenge to write Denethor's poetry

[Added 18/10/2002; Drama; >50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Boromir, Faramir, Denethor, Imrahil]

Gift Horses by Jedishampoo

An unsentimental look at Eowyn & Faramir's courtship, well written with an unexpected but plausible characterisation for Eowyn

[Added 24/06/2004; Romance/Erotica; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Eowyn, Faramir]

A Kind of Valediction by Altariel

Faramir is haunted by the past. Literally. Tolkien, Dickens, TS Eliot and an excellent read

[Added 20/02/2003; Drama; 2500-6000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Faramir, Minor]

The King is Dead by Altariel

Denethor teaches his younger son to play chess. A well-characterised and beautifully written vignette that made me smile. Illustrated by Kasiopea

[Added 09/09/2003; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Denethor, Faramir]

Possessions, The King's Shilling by Altariel

Two very different meetings between Gandalf and Faramir. Excellent characterisations in this pair of vignettes

[Added 09/09/2003; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Gandalf, Faramir, Denethor]

River of Fallen Stars by Fileg

'Life as a city, for Osgiliath, was over. ... the citadel of the stars was gone forever.' Two war veterans come to terms with all that's been lost in this quietly moving vignette

[Added 25/06/2004; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Faramir, Peregrin Took]

Shards of Time by AL Milton

Was Eowyn a heroine or deserter? This nicely structured story features interesting original characters, as Eowyn's grandson weighs the evidence

[Added 20/02/2003; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Eowyn, Faramir, OCs]

The Sickle of the Valar by Altariel

Wordsmithing at its best marks this vignette on the burden of grief and the possibility for renewal. Written for the Stargazers challenge

[Added 16/12/2003; Character Piece; <1000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Denethor, Faramir, Adrahil]

Spirits of the House by Altariel

'A Christmas Carol' has probably spawned more fanfic than any other Victorian novel, but this ingenious story is my favourite version so far

[Added 06/07/2004; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Denethor, Faramir, Boromir, Gandalf, Peregrin Took, Adrahil, Finduilas, Minor; Crossover]

Frodo Baggins

Across the Waters by Oselle

Frodo remembers his life as he sails into the West, in a series of themed vignettes. Bittersweet but not overly sentimental

[Added 18/10/2002; Character Piece; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf, Elrond, Minor]

Another Way of Leaving by Jodancingtree

What if Frodo were not granted leave to sail to Valinor? This moving story presents an alternative path for the Ringbearer to find healing. If you enjoyed 'Another Way of Leaving', there is now a novel-length sequel, Following the Other Wizard: Journey Into Healing

[Added 09/09/2003; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Frodo Baggins, Sam Gamgee, Radagast]

Five Elements: Earth by Cara Loup

This beautifully-written vignette paints a complex picture of Sam, Frodo and homecomings, avoiding the oversentimentality common to many post-Ring War Sam--Frodo stories

[Added 18/10/2002; Character Piece; 2500-6000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Samwise Gamgee, Frodo Baggins]

Legacy by Anglachel

Shire society brought to life: prejudice, intrafamilial politics and all. This thoughtful story is one of the very few to treat hobbits as the complex and not entirely benign adults that Tolkien wrote. If you enjoyed 'Legacy', the author has completed a novel-length sequel, On Merry Yule

[Added 18/10/2002; Drama; >50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Minor; Adult]

Lost in the Translation by Tyellas

Ever thought there was something missing from Tolkien's account of Middle-earth? Tyellas explains why in this humorous vignette

[Added 18/10/2002; Humour; <1000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins]

On Gorgoroth Plain by Teasel

Many authors have tackled the subject of Frodo and Sam's journey through Mordor, but Teasel breathes fresh life into the subject. This gem of a story works beautifully on so many levels -- I cannot recommend it as highly as it deserves

[Added 09/09/2003; Drama; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, OC]

Undersun by Cara J. Loup

A character vignette that feels chillingly plausible

[Added 16/04/2003; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Gollum, Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee]


As the Storm and the Lightning by Elizabeth Culmer

'She ends the war.' A masterclass in what can be done with an age-old premise & three sentences

[Added 16/04/2015; Drama; <1000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Galadriel]

If I Were Queen of the Forest by Halrloprillalar

'"But you are not in the Shire," Galadriel said. She smiled again and it was more dangerous than Sam's glare. "You would do well not to refuse my requests."' Halrloprillalar treads gaily (cough) through a whole raft of fanfic clichÉs in this delightful humorous short

[Added 20/02/2003; Humour; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Galadriel, Samwise Gamgee, Frodo Baggins, Boromir, Aragorn, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Peregrin Took, Legolas, Gimli]

Old Man Willow by Nath

'It reminded him of the treeless hills towards the sunrise, only much, much stronger.' An unusual, atmospheric take on the One Ring challenge, with a perfect chiller of an ending

[Added 05/09/2012; Drama; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Old Man Willow, Galadriel, Tom Bombadil, Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee]


In the Hands of the Enemy by Meckinock

Set around Bree before the events of LotR, this rollicking adventure never takes itself too seriously. Believable characterisations, with some well-drawn original characters that won't have anyone calling in the Mary-Sue Exterminators

[Added 16/12/2003; Drama; >50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Aragorn, Gandalf, Halbarad, OCs]

Possessions, The King's Shilling by Altariel

Two very different meetings between Gandalf and Faramir. Excellent characterisations in this pair of vignettes

[Added 09/09/2003; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Gandalf, Faramir, Denethor]


Back to the Beginning by Adina

'He searched but could not find. For twice the lifespan of a man in these diminished days he searched for the one he had lost. Never had it taken so long; always before he had found his love within a hundred years.' This Fourth Age Legolas/Gimli story runs with a highly unusual premise to its poignant ending, and features an interesting version of the much older Elf. Well worth a read despite a scattering of typos

[Added 20/01/2012; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Legolas, Gimli, OCs]

Gift of Life by Fileg

Fileg's delightful characterisations sum up the differences and similarities between the two races depicted in this nicely symmetrical vignette

[Added 16/12/2003; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Meriadoc Brandybuck, Gimli]

The Old Dwarf and the Sea by Isabeau of Greenlea

I don't usually recommend unfinished stories, but 'The Old Dwarf and the Sea' is well worth reading for the first chapter alone. A simply hilarious antidote to the usual run of stories about LotR characters in the West, with some priceless characterisations

[Added 25/06/2004; Humour; 2500-6000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Gimli, Legolas, Galadriel, OCs; WiP]

Repairs by Isabeau of Greenlea

Every word counts in this vignette set after the battle at Helm's Deep. Sharp portrait of a warrior and a friendship

[Added 18/10/2002; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Gimli, Legolas]

Tell this Mortal by Chathol-linn

'He needs to make this sea voyage, and to not make it.' An engaging narrative voice & a memorable OC draw the reader into this Fourth Age tale. The backstory is a little weak, perhaps, but the frame story makes up for it

[Added 11/12/2006; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Legolas, Gimli, OC]

They Say of the Elves by Brancher

The Legolas--Gimli relationship has spawned quite a bit of 'first-time' fanfiction, not all of it great. Brancher uses the genre intelligently to examine the preconceptions and fears of the two races in this engaging piece

[Added 18/10/2002; Romance/Erotica; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Legolas, Gimli]


Back to the Beginning by Adina

'He searched but could not find. For twice the lifespan of a man in these diminished days he searched for the one he had lost. Never had it taken so long; always before he had found his love within a hundred years.' This Fourth Age Legolas/Gimli story runs with a highly unusual premise to its poignant ending, and features an interesting version of the much older Elf. Well worth a read despite a scattering of typos

[Added 20/01/2012; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Legolas, Gimli, OCs]

The Old Dwarf and the Sea by Isabeau of Greenlea

I don't usually recommend unfinished stories, but 'The Old Dwarf and the Sea' is well worth reading for the first chapter alone. A simply hilarious antidote to the usual run of stories about LotR characters in the West, with some priceless characterisations

[Added 25/06/2004; Humour; 2500-6000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Gimli, Legolas, Galadriel, OCs; WiP]

Repairs by Isabeau of Greenlea

Every word counts in this vignette set after the battle at Helm's Deep. Sharp portrait of a warrior and a friendship

[Added 18/10/2002; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Gimli, Legolas]

Sára-lissë by Erin's Daughter

Arwen's reflections at two points in her life. Luscious sensuous writing characterises this nicely shaped piece

[Added 16/12/2003; Romance/Erotica; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Arwen, Aragorn, Legolas, Elrond]

Stardust by RiikiTikiTavi

The pitfalls of being a war widow. Well worth reading for its exploration of Gondor high society, though the Legomance plot didn't entirely work for me

[Added 18/10/2002; Romance/Erotica; 20,000-50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: OC, Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, Elladan, Elrohir, Faramir, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Eomer, Minor]

Tell this Mortal by Chathol-linn

'He needs to make this sea voyage, and to not make it.' An engaging narrative voice & a memorable OC draw the reader into this Fourth Age tale. The backstory is a little weak, perhaps, but the frame story makes up for it

[Added 11/12/2006; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Legolas, Gimli, OC]

Tempus Edax Rerum by Mirrordance

One of the more inventive premises I've ever seen in this fandom, thoughtfully executed, with a good mix of angst and humour. Give 'Tempus Edax Rerum' a try if you want something well off the beaten track and are prepared to put up with the occasional grammatical slip

[Added 26/06/2004; Drama; 20,000-50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Legolas, Elrond, Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli, Peregrin Took, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Boromir, Galadriel, OC]

They Say of the Elves by Brancher

The Legolas--Gimli relationship has spawned quite a bit of 'first-time' fanfiction, not all of it great. Brancher uses the genre intelligently to examine the preconceptions and fears of the two races in this engaging piece

[Added 18/10/2002; Romance/Erotica; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Legolas, Gimli]

Meriadoc Brandybuck

Gift of Life by Fileg

Fileg's delightful characterisations sum up the differences and similarities between the two races depicted in this nicely symmetrical vignette

[Added 16/12/2003; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Meriadoc Brandybuck, Gimli]

Rose Riddle by Stultiloquentia

A multilayered vignette with almost the density of poetry, set in the Fourth Age but with its roots in history. Repays re-reading

[Added 16/12/2003; Drama; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Celeborn, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Minor]


All's Well by Cara J. Loup

'But there wasn't any worse than this, was there...' Strong, believable characterisations make this post-Quest conversation piece particularly memorable

[Added 28/01/2004; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Samwise Gamgee, Hamfast Gamgee]

Keepers of the Hearth by Alawa

A quiet piece that reclaims Middle-earth for the ordinary woman, and celebrates the things that the War of the Ring was fought to preserve

[Added 25/06/2004; Character Piece; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Eomer, Eowyn, Lothíriel, OC]

A Kind of Valediction by Altariel

Faramir is haunted by the past. Literally. Tolkien, Dickens, TS Eliot and an excellent read

[Added 20/02/2003; Drama; 2500-6000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Faramir, Minor]

Legacy by Anglachel

Shire society brought to life: prejudice, intrafamilial politics and all. This thoughtful story is one of the very few to treat hobbits as the complex and not entirely benign adults that Tolkien wrote. If you enjoyed 'Legacy', the author has completed a novel-length sequel, On Merry Yule

[Added 18/10/2002; Drama; >50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Minor; Adult]

Lomendánar (Little Love for the Things of My Love) by Vulgarweed

'He wore soft green moss, and small black snakes about his branches and darting silver fish between his toes. He bent his long locks to trail in the cool water, and all the spirits of the moist places were with him.' An unusual & thoughtful vignette, imbued with a strong sense of melancholy. Beautiful

[Added 20/05/2009; Romance/Erotica; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Skinbark, Yavanna, Goldberry, Tom Bombadil, Quickbeam]

Magda's Tale by Meg Thornton

Multi-cultural society in Bree through the eyes of a plausible and interesting OC (technically a WiP, but the chapters stand alone as a vignette series)

[Added 18/10/2002; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: OC, Aragorn, Barliman Butterbur, Bill Ferny, Halbarad, Bilbo Baggins, Minor]

Nine Lives by Werecat

This stylish vignette is an excellent example of the 'history is written by the victors' maxim. In Umbar, at the Docks forms a loose sequel

[Added 25/06/2004; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Berúthiel, Tarannon, Nienna]

The Sickle of the Valar by Altariel

Wordsmithing at its best marks this vignette on the burden of grief and the possibility for renewal. Written for the Stargazers challenge

[Added 16/12/2003; Character Piece; <1000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Denethor, Faramir, Adrahil]

A Silence Covered in Stone by Zimraphel

Dol Guldur gives up its darkest secret. An idea to send chills down the spine

[Added 16/12/2003; Drama; 2500-6000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Celeborn, Thranduil, Minor]

The Strange Case of the House at Hollinport by Russ

'There are older and fouler things than orcs in the deep places of the world.' A highly unusual Fourth Age tale, in the style of Lovecraft or Poe. Strongly recommended

[Added 24/06/2004; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Morgoth, OCs]

This Too Shall Pass by Isabeau of Greenlea

A tongue-in-cheek AU that solves a frequent gripe with Peter Jackson's vision of The Two Towers. There's only one word for this vignette: evil!

[Added 16/12/2003; Humour; <1000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Witch-King of Angmar]

Webs by Roz Kaveney

'She moved in her webs, slow as a mountain.' A dark AU in which Frodo's quest failed; well written and chilling

[Added 18/10/2002; Drama; <1000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Shelob, Sauron, Gollum]

Who Knackered Aragorn's Catamite? by Earthspot

Tolkien meets Raymond Chandler meets James Bond in this witty and inventive romp through Fourth Age Middle-earth. WKAC features a large cast of engaging original characters, plus delightful cameos from many of the major players. The author assures us that no canon was injured in the production of this fanfiction

[Added 09/09/2003; Drama; >50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Eowyn, Faramir, Goldberry, Gimli, Legolas, Bergil, Grishnakh, OCs; Adult]


Hope for the Uruk by Grond

This thoughtful and unusual story explores whether the Uruk-hai might have the potential for redemption. It's a little rough around the edges in places, but nonetheless well worth trying

[Added 16/12/2003; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Aragorn, Shagrat, Faramir, Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Legolas; Adult]

One Dark Night by Enros

Sympathetic look at the nature of the Uruk-hai. An extremely unusual premise

[Added 18/10/2002; Romance/Erotica; 2500-6000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Elrond, Uglúk]

Who Knackered Aragorn's Catamite? by Earthspot

Tolkien meets Raymond Chandler meets James Bond in this witty and inventive romp through Fourth Age Middle-earth. WKAC features a large cast of engaging original characters, plus delightful cameos from many of the major players. The author assures us that no canon was injured in the production of this fanfiction

[Added 09/09/2003; Drama; >50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Eowyn, Faramir, Goldberry, Gimli, Legolas, Bergil, Grishnakh, OCs; Adult]

Original character

Back to the Beginning by Adina

'He searched but could not find. For twice the lifespan of a man in these diminished days he searched for the one he had lost. Never had it taken so long; always before he had found his love within a hundred years.' This Fourth Age Legolas/Gimli story runs with a highly unusual premise to its poignant ending, and features an interesting version of the much older Elf. Well worth a read despite a scattering of typos

[Added 20/01/2012; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Legolas, Gimli, OCs]

Box of Rain by Alon

Faramir finishes some business for his brother. Delicate and believable characterisations, both of those present and those absent. Sequel to Closer to Fine and To Look at You, but works equally well read independently

[Added 09/09/2003; Romance/Erotica; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Faramir, OC, Boromir]

Discretion, Discovery by Isabeau of Greenlea

All Isabeau's works showcase her great gift for detail, dialogue and characterisation; 'Discretion' & 'Discovery' also feature hot sex and an unusual & deftly drawn OC. The saga of Boromir's love life continues in the 'Best-loved Son' series by Isabeau, Dwimordene & Altariel, while Andrahar's background is more fully expored in Isabeau's unfinished 'Kin-strife'; both can be accessed via the author's website

[Added 24/06/2004; Romance/Erotica; 20,000-50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Boromir, OC, Faramir, Imrahil, Denethor; Adult]

The Face of the Enemy by Soledad

The very thoughtful & detailed evocation of the Haradric culture distinguishes this retelling of the Battle of Pelennor Fields. Cameo by Andrahar from Isabeau's Discretion & Discovery

[Added 25/06/2004; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Imrahil, Faramir, Gandalf, Théoden, Eowyn, Witch-King of Angmar, OCs]

Giving Gifts by Dwimordene

An outstanding evocation of the Haradric culture, featuring an original character who flickers into life in this all-too-brief tale

[Added 25/06/2004; Drama; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: OCs]

Goes a Courtin' by Chris

A dwarven love story. A vignette as clever as it is brief

[Added 16/12/2003; Drama; <1000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: OC]

In the Hands of the Enemy by Meckinock

Set around Bree before the events of LotR, this rollicking adventure never takes itself too seriously. Believable characterisations, with some well-drawn original characters that won't have anyone calling in the Mary-Sue Exterminators

[Added 16/12/2003; Drama; >50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Aragorn, Gandalf, Halbarad, OCs]

The Jewel in the Crown by Alawa

'I don't hold with embalming much myself.' In-frame humour seems rather rare in JRRT fan-writing, so this was a welcome giggle. Nicely characterised OC in no danger of Mary-Suedom

[Added 18/10/2002; Humour; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: OC]

Keepers of the Hearth by Alawa

A quiet piece that reclaims Middle-earth for the ordinary woman, and celebrates the things that the War of the Ring was fought to preserve

[Added 25/06/2004; Character Piece; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Eomer, Eowyn, Lothíriel, OC]

Magda's Tale by Meg Thornton

Multi-cultural society in Bree through the eyes of a plausible and interesting OC (technically a WiP, but the chapters stand alone as a vignette series)

[Added 18/10/2002; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: OC, Aragorn, Barliman Butterbur, Bill Ferny, Halbarad, Bilbo Baggins, Minor]

Magnetic Force by Marnie

A reporter on the Fortean Times finds more than she expects when she travels to Cornwall on an investigation. Before I read this story, I didn't believe this premise could ever be made to work, but I'm very glad to have been proved wrong!

[Added 16/12/2003; Drama; 2500-6000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Celeborn, Elladan, Elrohir, OC]

Not From Mountain Nor From Sea by Gil Shalos

A subtle look at different aspects of Boromir's character in this skilfully written piece

[Added 09/09/2003; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Boromir, Faramir, Aragorn, Meriadoc Brandybuck, OC]

Observation and dissection of the Common Wood-elf (Telerius galadh) by Bryn

Humour and tragedy as modern earth meets Middle-earth. There are also a couple of sequels, Notes from the Field and Regeneration and Immortality

[Added 16/04/2003; Humour; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: OCs]

On Gorgoroth Plain by Teasel

Many authors have tackled the subject of Frodo and Sam's journey through Mordor, but Teasel breathes fresh life into the subject. This gem of a story works beautifully on so many levels -- I cannot recommend it as highly as it deserves

[Added 09/09/2003; Drama; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, OC]

River-Mother and River-Daughter by Zdenka

'For the most part, the rivers were content to sing, to reflect the world around them, and to seek the great sea in a slow winding course. But in a shadowy glade green with moss and great ferns – though there were no flowers yet – a young streamlet more curious than the others splashed out of her bed and tried to follow her.' An origin story for Goldberry. Unusual & memorable, with a perfect ending

[Added 16/04/2015; Character Piece; 2500-6000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Goldberry, Melian, Tom Bombadil, OCs]

The Rooster Man of Gondor by Chelsea Nolen

A highly unusual view of a key moment in the siege of Minas Tirith

[Added 20/02/2003; Drama; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: OC]

Shards of Time by AL Milton

Was Eowyn a heroine or deserter? This nicely structured story features interesting original characters, as Eowyn's grandson weighs the evidence

[Added 20/02/2003; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Eowyn, Faramir, OCs]

Stardust by RiikiTikiTavi

The pitfalls of being a war widow. Well worth reading for its exploration of Gondor high society, though the Legomance plot didn't entirely work for me

[Added 18/10/2002; Romance/Erotica; 20,000-50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: OC, Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, Elladan, Elrohir, Faramir, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Eomer, Minor]

The Strange Case of the House at Hollinport by Russ

'There are older and fouler things than orcs in the deep places of the world.' A highly unusual Fourth Age tale, in the style of Lovecraft or Poe. Strongly recommended

[Added 24/06/2004; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Morgoth, OCs]

Tell this Mortal by Chathol-linn

'He needs to make this sea voyage, and to not make it.' An engaging narrative voice & a memorable OC draw the reader into this Fourth Age tale. The backstory is a little weak, perhaps, but the frame story makes up for it

[Added 11/12/2006; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Legolas, Gimli, OC]

Where the Stars Are Strange by Marta

'She prays for a quick death. She prays for the beasts to come before nightfall, to rip at her throat so she will never feel the pangs of thirst.' Thoughtful drabble series exploring Haradric beliefs. There's also a prequel, Turtles All the Way Down, though I felt it was stronger alone

[Added 05/09/2012; Drama; <1000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Aragorn, OC]

Who Knackered Aragorn's Catamite? by Earthspot

Tolkien meets Raymond Chandler meets James Bond in this witty and inventive romp through Fourth Age Middle-earth. WKAC features a large cast of engaging original characters, plus delightful cameos from many of the major players. The author assures us that no canon was injured in the production of this fanfiction

[Added 09/09/2003; Drama; >50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Eowyn, Faramir, Goldberry, Gimli, Legolas, Bergil, Grishnakh, OCs; Adult]

Peregrin Took

Paths for the Dead by James Walkswithwind

A rather unusual look at how the events of the Ring War have affected Pippin. Give this short story a try even if you don't normally enjoy hobbit fiction

[Added 24/06/2004; Drama; 2500-6000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Peregrin Took, Aragorn, Frodo Baggins, Meriadoc Brandybuck]

River of Fallen Stars by Fileg

'Life as a city, for Osgiliath, was over. ... the citadel of the stars was gone forever.' Two war veterans come to terms with all that's been lost in this quietly moving vignette

[Added 25/06/2004; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Faramir, Peregrin Took]

Samwise Gamgee

Across the Waters by Oselle

Frodo remembers his life as he sails into the West, in a series of themed vignettes. Bittersweet but not overly sentimental

[Added 18/10/2002; Character Piece; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf, Elrond, Minor]

All's Well by Cara J. Loup

'But there wasn't any worse than this, was there...' Strong, believable characterisations make this post-Quest conversation piece particularly memorable

[Added 28/01/2004; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Samwise Gamgee, Hamfast Gamgee]

Another Way of Leaving by Jodancingtree

What if Frodo were not granted leave to sail to Valinor? This moving story presents an alternative path for the Ringbearer to find healing. If you enjoyed 'Another Way of Leaving', there is now a novel-length sequel, Following the Other Wizard: Journey Into Healing

[Added 09/09/2003; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Frodo Baggins, Sam Gamgee, Radagast]

Five Elements: Earth by Cara Loup

This beautifully-written vignette paints a complex picture of Sam, Frodo and homecomings, avoiding the oversentimentality common to many post-Ring War Sam--Frodo stories

[Added 18/10/2002; Character Piece; 2500-6000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Samwise Gamgee, Frodo Baggins]

On Gorgoroth Plain by Teasel

Many authors have tackled the subject of Frodo and Sam's journey through Mordor, but Teasel breathes fresh life into the subject. This gem of a story works beautifully on so many levels -- I cannot recommend it as highly as it deserves

[Added 09/09/2003; Drama; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, OC]

Undersun by Cara J. Loup

A character vignette that feels chillingly plausible

[Added 16/04/2003; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Gollum, Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee]


Another Way of Leaving by Jodancingtree

What if Frodo were not granted leave to sail to Valinor? This moving story presents an alternative path for the Ringbearer to find healing. If you enjoyed 'Another Way of Leaving', there is now a novel-length sequel, Following the Other Wizard: Journey Into Healing

[Added 09/09/2003; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Frodo Baggins, Sam Gamgee, Radagast]

Father and Sons by Dwimordene

Division and despair among the Steward's family, as the Shadow over Gondor grows deeper. A thoughtful novel, with precisely observed characters and rich details of Minas Tirith life. That Which Remains Us forms a moving short sequel, inspired by a challenge to write Denethor's poetry

[Added 18/10/2002; Drama; >50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Boromir, Faramir, Denethor, Imrahil]

In the Hands of the Enemy by Meckinock

Set around Bree before the events of LotR, this rollicking adventure never takes itself too seriously. Believable characterisations, with some well-drawn original characters that won't have anyone calling in the Mary-Sue Exterminators

[Added 16/12/2003; Drama; >50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Aragorn, Gandalf, Halbarad, OCs]

Lomendánar (Little Love for the Things of My Love) by Vulgarweed

'He wore soft green moss, and small black snakes about his branches and darting silver fish between his toes. He bent his long locks to trail in the cool water, and all the spirits of the moist places were with him.' An unusual & thoughtful vignette, imbued with a strong sense of melancholy. Beautiful

[Added 20/05/2009; Romance/Erotica; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Skinbark, Yavanna, Goldberry, Tom Bombadil, Quickbeam]

Magda's Tale by Meg Thornton

Multi-cultural society in Bree through the eyes of a plausible and interesting OC (technically a WiP, but the chapters stand alone as a vignette series)

[Added 18/10/2002; Drama; 6000-20,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: OC, Aragorn, Barliman Butterbur, Bill Ferny, Halbarad, Bilbo Baggins, Minor]

Nor Iron Bars a Cage by FayJay

FayJay offers some surprising insights into the deep places of Gríma's heart in this well-written character study. As far as I'm aware, 'Nor Iron Bars a Cage' is the author's first foray into the Tolkien fandom, and one can only hope that she writes more!

[Added 28/01/2004; Character Piece; <1000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Gríma Wormtongue, Eowyn]

O Spring-time and Summer-time, and Spring Again After by Dreamiflame

'She woke hungry. The River slept while winter ruled, but she slept empty, with dreams of food and blood her companion during the long, dark months.' A deliciously creepy glimpse of Goldberry, with a haunting ending

[Added 26/10/2017; Character Piece; <1000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Goldberry, Tom Bombadil, Old Man Willow]

Old Man Willow by Nath

'It reminded him of the treeless hills towards the sunrise, only much, much stronger.' An unusual, atmospheric take on the One Ring challenge, with a perfect chiller of an ending

[Added 05/09/2012; Drama; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Old Man Willow, Galadriel, Tom Bombadil, Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee]

River-Mother and River-Daughter by Zdenka

'For the most part, the rivers were content to sing, to reflect the world around them, and to seek the great sea in a slow winding course. But in a shadowy glade green with moss and great ferns – though there were no flowers yet – a young streamlet more curious than the others splashed out of her bed and tried to follow her.' An origin story for Goldberry. Unusual & memorable, with a perfect ending

[Added 16/04/2015; Character Piece; 2500-6000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Goldberry, Melian, Tom Bombadil, OCs]

A Silence Covered in Stone by Zimraphel

Dol Guldur gives up its darkest secret. An idea to send chills down the spine

[Added 16/12/2003; Drama; 2500-6000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Celeborn, Thranduil, Minor]

Undersun by Cara J. Loup

A character vignette that feels chillingly plausible

[Added 16/04/2003; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Gollum, Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee]

Who Knackered Aragorn's Catamite? by Earthspot

Tolkien meets Raymond Chandler meets James Bond in this witty and inventive romp through Fourth Age Middle-earth. WKAC features a large cast of engaging original characters, plus delightful cameos from many of the major players. The author assures us that no canon was injured in the production of this fanfiction

[Added 09/09/2003; Drama; >50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Eowyn, Faramir, Goldberry, Gimli, Legolas, Bergil, Grishnakh, OCs; Adult]

Compiled by the Espresso Addict