Narnian Chronicles
To hold back the night by Heliopause
'"The... the laying bare of the land—Sire, you see the terrible deaths of your people, but we two... we've both grown up with tales and pictures of a war close to our country, from before our time, and this looks to us like," she paused, uncertain of how the phrase would sound in Narnia. "like the creation of a no-man's-land."' A clever AU of The Last Battle in which Jill & Eustace's knowledge of both our world & Narnia helps to change everything. I'd love to read more in this universe
[Added 23/05/2015; Drama; 6000-20,000; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Jill Pole, Tirian, Eustace Scrubb, Poggin, Jewel, Farsight, Father Time, Puzzle, OCs]