Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Rupert Giles
The Giles and Spike Collection by Lori
An inventive novel-length AU series, spinning off after BtVS Entropy, set mainly in London. Starts with Giles & Spike, and spirals out from them to add other Buffyverse characters. It's rather 'shippier' than my usual reading, but the ships are more-than-usually plausible, the characterisations are invariably interesting, and Lori adds action to the mix in similar proportions to the later BtVS episodes. Highlights include that rare creature, a well-written Dawn, in 'Every Day I Write the Book', and a more-than-usually interesting Big Bad in 'Waiting on a Friend' (BtVS/AtS)
[Added 12/02/2004; Drama; >50,000; Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Characters: Rupert Giles, Spike, Dawn Summers, Buffy Summers, Anya, Willow Rosenberg, Wesley Wyndham-Price, Quentin Travers, OCs]
The Waking by Mad Poetess
One of the more unusual BtVS stories I've ever read. Haunting, beautiful, strange yet somehow perfectly in tune with canon
[Added 12/02/2004; Drama; 6000-20,000; Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Characters: Rupert Giles, Ethan Rayne, OC]