Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Xander Harris
Five Things The Chip Was Never Marketed For by Josey
'"I understand," she said, "but would you hurt a poodle because a mastiff once savaged you?"' A disturbing look at the evil that humans might do in the Buffyverse. Not for the faint at heart (BtVS/AtS)
[Added 26/09/2014; Drama; 2500-6000; Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Characters: Spike, Riley Finn, Lorne, Knox, Charles Gunn, Xander Harris, Graham Miller, Drusilla, Croesus, OCs]
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Sex Poodles by Doyle
'While Ramon had a fleet of convertibles that were soaped down every day by a dedicated team of community-spirited cheerleaders (the book had said his fantasy persona should be as specific as possible), the best Xander could do was a grope in the back of a pizza delivery van. And those boxes had sharp corners.' A devastatingly accurate picture of Xander that manages to be deeply touching and absolutely hilarious at the same time
[Added 12/02/2004; Humour; 2500-6000; Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Characters: Xander Harris, Anya]