Twin Peaks
Windom Earle
Closing Doors by Amand r
'There was something in there. In the lights. On. Off. On. Off. They couldn't go on without going off, and they couldn't go off unless they were on. Off. On. On. Off. Off.' Darker than much Twin Peaks fanfiction – the fragments making up this piece have the feel of shards of glass. It wanders around a bit, with some of the viewpoints more enlightening than others, but the kick of an ending is worth the wait
[Added 28/05/2012; Drama; 2500-6000; Twin Peaks; Characters: BOB, MIKE, Margaret Lanterman, Laura Palmer, Windom Earle, Dale Cooper, Pete Martell, Harry Truman, Shelly Johnson, Heidi, Leland Palmer, OCs; Adult]