Multifandom fanfiction recommendations

Innovative and stylish fanfiction, showcasing the very best across multiple sf, fantasy & literature fandoms. Good writing in all its forms can be found here, including gen, het, slash, OCs, AUs, crossovers, future fics, humour & pastiche. Linked stories may not be suitable for children

JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings


In the Hands of the Enemy by Meckinock

Set around Bree before the events of LotR, this rollicking adventure never takes itself too seriously. Believable characterisations, with some well-drawn original characters that won't have anyone calling in the Mary-Sue Exterminators

[Added 16/12/2003; Drama; >50,000; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Aragorn, Gandalf, Halbarad, OCs]

Possessions, The King's Shilling by Altariel

Two very different meetings between Gandalf and Faramir. Excellent characterisations in this pair of vignettes

[Added 09/09/2003; Character Piece; 1000-2500; JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Characters: Gandalf, Faramir, Denethor]

Compiled by the Espresso Addict