A Wizard of Earthsea (1968)
Of a wizardly education and the release of the shadow-beast.
Book 1 in the Earthsea cycle
Setting: Gont, Roke
and the East Reach
Characters: Ged, Ogion, Vetch, Jasper, Nemmerle
Date of main action: 1012–1019
Length: Novel
Awards*: Boston Globe-Horn Book Award, Lewis Carroll
Shelf Award, Horn Book honor list citation, American Library Association
Notable Book citation
Cover art by David Smee (from Puffin Books 1971) |
The Tombs of Atuan (1971)
Of the Ring of Erreth-Akbe, the sacred Labyrinth that
conceals it, the accursed sorcerer who seeks to steal it and the Kargish
priestess who seeks to prevent him. Book 2 in the Earthsea cycle
Setting: Atuan
in the Kargad Lands
Characters: Arha (Tenar), Ged, Thar, Kossil, Penthe,
Date of main action: 1024–1026
Length: Novel
Awards: Newbery Silver Medal Award
Cover art by David Smee (from Puffin Books
The Farthest Shore (1973)
Of an Archmage and a prince, and how magic drained from
the world. Book 3 in the Earthsea cycle
Setting: Roke and the
South & West Reach
Characters: Ged, Lebannen, Egre, Sopli, Cob
Date of main action: 1051
Length: Novel
Awards: National Book Award for Children's Books
Cover art by David Smee (from
Puffin Books 1974) |
Tehanu (1990)
Endings and beginnings: a woman's perspective on Earthsea.
Book 4 in the Earthsea cycle
Setting: Gont
Characters: Tenar, Tehanu, Ogion, Moss, Ged, Lebannen,
Date of main action: 1051–1052
Length: Novel
Awards: Nebula Award
Cover art by Tudor Humphries (from
Victor Gollancz 1990) |
The Earthsea Quartet (1993)
One-volume edition containing A Wizard of Earthsea,
The Tombs of Atuan, The Farthest Shore & Tehanu
Cover art by David Bergen (from Puffin Books 1993) |
The Other Wind (2001)
Of dragons, rival kingdoms and the afterlife, and how
a simple mender who dreams of the dead can change the fabric of the universe
Setting: Gont, Havnor, Roke
Characters: Ged, Lebannen, Tenar, Tehanu, Alder, Seserakh,
Irian, Azver
Date of main action: 1066
Length: Novel
Cover art by David Wyatt (from
Orion Children's Books 2002) |
The Wind's Twelve Quarters (1975)
Includes the two earliest Earthsea stories
Cover design by Sue Michniewicz (from Victor Gollancz
2000) |
The Word of Unbinding
A battle of wits between two mages |
Festin, Voll
Length: Short story
Reprinted from Fantastic, 1964
The Rule of Names
Of wizards, dragons and treasure |
Setting: Sattins
in the East Reach
Characters: Underhill, Blackbeard, Palani, Birt
Date of main action: ~950
Length: Short story
Reprinted from Fantastic, 1964
Tales from Earthsea (2001)
Awards: Endeavor Award, Locus Readers Award
('The Finder', 'The Bones of the Earth')
Cover art by David Wyatt (from Orion Children's Books
2002) |
The Finder
Of the Dark Years and the founding of Roke |
Setting: Havnor, Roke
Characters: Medra, Anieb, Gelluk, Losen, Early, Hound,
Date of main action: ~650
Length: Novella |
Darkrose and Diamond
Of love, music and magic |
Setting: Havnor
Characters: Darkrose, Diamond, Golden, Tuly
Date of main action: –
Length: Short story
Reprinted from The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction,
1999 |
The Bones of the Earth
Of how Ogion stilled the earthquake |
Setting: Gont
Characters: Ogion, Heleth
Date of main action: 1004
Length: Short story |
On the High Marsh
A tale of healing from Ged's years as Archmage |
Setting: Semel
Characters: Irioth, Emer, Ged
Date of main action: ~1045
Length: Short story |
Of how a girl challenged the wizards of Roke |
Setting: Way, Roke Characters:
Irian, Ivory, Thorion, Azver Date of main action: 1058
Length: Novella A bridge between Tehanu
and The Other Wind; reprinted from Legends anthology,
1997 |
A Description of Earthsea |
An essay describing the peoples and history of Earthsea |